The courage to take a risk, to feel uncomfortable, and do what is needed to succeed and lead, is a trait that runs through many high performing individuals. But it’s something that many of us struggle with. Sinéad Millard is on a mission to inspire you to play with what’s possible by sharing stories of high performing individuals and her own insights from business, coaching and entrepreneurial endeavours.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
The Courage to Be a Real Woman in Business
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
As International Women’s Month comes to an end I’m back on The Courage to Be podcast with previous guest Monique Carayol to explore “The Courage to Be a Real Woman in Business”.
Each time I talk with Monique I am reminded of what it means and how it feels to get under the surface quickly and gracefully. We jump into some big topics and I'd love to hear your personal reflections/experiences on what we share.
We explore what gets in the way of talented woman showing up as themselves, what it means to bring our magic to the world and what can hold us back. We talk diversity, both in the workplace and at home and what it means to ask for the support we need to pursue our purpose.
If you haven't yet listened to Januarys episode with Monique, here is the link
Monique talks about leadership from a place of deep experience gained from starting as a PA in the NHS and navigating her way to a board level executive director.
As always, thank you for listening.
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Brave Leadership with Monique Carayol
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Happy New Year everyone, I'm excited to kick off the year in conversation with Monique Carayol. Monique talks about leadership from a place of deep experience gained from starting as a PA in the NHS and navigating her way to a board level executive director.
Monique won the PRECIOUS Outstanding Woman in the Public Sector award in 2017. I share this because of course it’s a huge achievement, but more so because I had one hour with Monique and in that short time I could feel what it meant to be in Monique’s company. I was reminded of my previous guest Owen Eastwood “to belong is to be seen, and to be accepted and respected for who you are” and I felt all of this in Monique’s company. ⠀
Check out Monique's podcast Be Yourself, Back Yourself and Make it Happen.
Thanks for listening.
Sinéad x
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Sinéad and Gillian from Intuitive Eating Ireland
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Today, I am joined by Sinéad and Gillian from Intuitive Eating Ireland. Sinéad, a mental health nurse and nutritional therapist, and Gillian, a mental health social worker and yoga teacher, have created an online community aimed at deconstructing diet culture and harmful attitudes towards weight loss and nutrition. Our conversation goes beyond intuitive eating, exploring how to listen into our body’s individual cues and to unlearn all the rules and judgements from all the external sources in your life.
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Owen Eastwood - Belonging: The Ancient Code of Togetherness
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
“Whakapapa., You belong here”. This conversation is an absolute gem. I don’t really have a licence to say that, do I?! But this weeks guest really had an impact and inspired much reflection (days after!), I am so pleased to finally get to share it with you all.⠀
I’m joined by Owen Eastwood, one of the most in-demand performance coaches in the world and author of the book Belonging. Over the past decade, Owen has worked with some of the most elite teams and groups in the world, including Gareth Southgate's England Football team, the Command Group of NATO, the South African Cricket Team, corporate leadership teams, elite ballet and the British Olympic team.⠀
The stories Owen shares are both personal and from his work. Each brings insight and energy. ⠀⠀
I'd love you hear any reflections you might have.⠀
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
I promised a bonus episode this week, so here it is! This was a special one as I got to sit around my kitchen table, coffee in hand with my wonderful guest by my side, such a treat! So much so I may have forgotten we were recording at times!⠀
Today’s guest is Sonica Mushi from Crossroads Counselling. We delve deep into many of "The Courage to Be" themes from approval seeking to external validation, understanding what’s healthy and what’s too much, We talk about bringing more of ourselves to each interaction, "going below the surface" and the difference it makes. How to recognise unhelpful patterns and replace them with healthier ways to cope, self sacrifice and knowing that we can choose where to give without compromising our own needs.⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Let's just say Sonica's background is pretty extensive so we got to cover off quite a lot in this conversation! ⠀ ⠀
Link in bio or over on your favourite podcast app. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
I'm back in June with Season Four, but for now, thank you all for listening.
Sinéad x
Friday Apr 09, 2021
A Conversation with Leading Landscape Architect Marian Boswall
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
This week, I am joined by the wonderful Marian Boswall, for those of you who know Marian or enjoy her awe-inspiring grid, you’ll know what I mean when I say this was a very special episode. And if you haven’t yet come across Marian, you’re in for a treat. Marian is a leading landscape architect and founder of MBLA studios, best known for creating stunning gardens in sensitive or historic settings.
As always here on The Courage to Be podcast, we go beyond everyday business! We explore the topic of voice and what it means to use your voice in a way that is truly meaningful, Marian shares her love for writing, her beliefs, both new and old and we talk love, nature and childhood memories. ⠀
I can only describe this conversation as nourishing and wonderfully up-lifting.
Check out Marian's instagram page for daily inspiration and beauty.
Thank you so much for listening.
Friday Apr 02, 2021
We Hurt Where We Care with Dr Steven C Hayes
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
This week I was inspired to talk about values. I've pulled an extract from my conversation with Dr Steven C Hayes (Episode 34), bestselling author of A Liberated Mind.
I love how Steven explores the topic of values; bringing more intentionality and presence into our life, seeing the sweetness in our pain, the yearning behind our hurt. Our values inform how we spend our time and energy, but its not always as straightforward as it seems. Connecting to our innate values can be challening. Society can often send some mixed messages around what "matters", be that receiving more popularity, attaining more financial status or adhering to certain beauty standards. But as we grow and evolve we have the opportunity to really uncover what truly matters and when we start to live out our life in a way that aligns to our vlaues we feel that deeply, it builds an inner peace.
There are many definitions of values, one I find helpful is that of Dr. Gregg Henriques of James Madison University:
“Values are what we deem important and worthy in life. They inform how we spend our time and energy. We often inherit them from our families of origin, and then add, swap, and/or modify our values based on education and experience as we age. Often times, we walk through this world not really knowing what our values are, which can be problematic. If we don’t have a clear understanding of what makes us tick, then we’ll have a hard time trying to change pieces of ourselves (or authentically responding to others in a healthy manner). Awareness first, choice second.”
If you think this episode could help someone else, please do share.
As always, thanks for listening.
Sinéad x
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Vanessa Potter - Going Blind Made Me See Life Differently
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
A rare condition struck Vanessa Potter with blindness and paralysis almost over-night.
In 2012 Vanessa's life was ticking along just fine. It wasn’t perfect, but she had a successful career and a loving family. Vanessa had just taken time out to set up a new business and hang out with her children. Unfortunately fate had other plans and Vanessa was hit with a mystery illness leaving her blind, paralysed and reeling.
The year it took for Vanessa's sight to return changed her life and recovery was anything but usual. Vanessa’s response to her illness was to document the entire journey via an mp3 player. Her curiosity and quest for answers led her to Cambridge University, persuading neuroscientists to help her research her incredible visual rebirth. After collaborating on an EEG project that invited members of the public to see and hear their own mindful brainwaves translated into music and art, Vanessa was invited to give a TEDx talk in Ghent. Vanessa published her first book, Patient H69: The Story of my Second Sight, in 2017.
Vanessa's curiosity didn't end there, she publishes her latest book Finding My Right Mind: One Woman's Experiment to Put.
Also, you can listen to Vanessa's podcast where she will "look at what happens when meditation is challenging and how it can sometimes nudge up again trauma. I’ll ask why my inner critic needs a name (and an outfit) and how perfectionism is the worse aspiration I can have."
As always thank you for listening.
Friday Mar 19, 2021
The Courage to Notice with Lucy Allen
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
This week I explore the topic of noticing with the wonderful Lucy Allen friend and business partner.
We talk about what it means to notice and the many forms that noticing takes; noticing our thoughts, writing our thoughts down, noticing and leaning into our feelings, the pleasant and the unpleasant.
We link it back to self-understanding. Acknowledge the difference between conscious and unconscious living.
I'd love to hear your views on this.
Sending love,
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Jenny Keane - Time to Normalise Sex and Sexuality
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
This week I speak to the amazing Jenny Keane..."when we open conversations about sex and sexuality, we normalise something that IS SO NORMAL."⠀
We explore the true power of wellness, to move between stress and ease. We look at changing the script around sex and sexuality - questioning the beliefs we hold and the narratives we've inherited. ⠀
We unpack pleasure and what it really means, the practice and the discipline of bringing more pleasure into our life. ⠀
We explore sex education, what we have learnt and what we need to re-learn. Jenny’s teaching makes sex education simple, fun and unashamedly normal. "Science is complicated, exploring sex shouldn’t be and your pleasure is personal.”⠀
I urge you to get curious! Oh and please share this episode, let's play a role in Jenny's mission which is to ignite a sexual revolution in Ireland.⠀
You'll find Jenny on Instagram or you can check out her website for more info on her offerings.
As always thank you so much for listening.